Posts tagged ‘Twitter’

April 9, 2011

Finding the perfect shoes & conquering the world

Hi guys. Actually, I’m doing this post for the second time because my lappy shut down and my draft wasn’t saved. FML. It was almost done!!!! :/

Okay. Inhale, Exhale.

Being such an internet buff (wifi at home and unlimited service data plan on my phone), I admit that I’m active to all social sites I’ve signed up to.
Take Twitter for instance. I get updates on my favorite celebrities, musicians, flimmakers, models, bloggers, etc through it.

One night, I read a tweet from Laureen Uy, one of my favorite local fashion bloggers about an update on her blog. The title was so interesting I had to open the link. It’s called Bold Indulgence. I wasn’t even half-way reading it when I can’t contain myself from too much excitement. Apparently, the aforementioned title was the name of What A Girl Wants collection for this month.

WAGW is a local shop that sells uber cool stuff. They have branches all over the Philippines but unfortunately, not every branch have all the items the main branch has which is in Manila. Thank God for internet, online shopping, and making shipment possible.

Among the hundreds (or so it seemed) photos on the BI album, this was the ONLY pic that caught my eye. Remember when I said eons ago that I have this obsession on multi strapped sandals? I know this is no Jeffrey Campbell but this could suffice my shoe thirst 🙂 I immediately checked my savings and didn’t have second thoughts signing the order form.

After a 2 days, I already received the package. It’s so purty I’m in love with it 😀

I got it this afternoon since my cousins and I went out for malling (even if we’re all broke HAHA)

Wore this today BTW. Since it’s summer, no excuses! time to bare more skin 😉
If you guys have accounts, hypes and comments are highly appreciated 😀
You can view my profile here.

Bon Nuit! :*

March 11, 2011

Quickest post: My list of Thank Yous!

I’d like to thank these people who have been keeping track of my blog and for commending me about it 🙂

Thank you Cesi Llanos for the blog feature and for the kind words! :*
(click on her name or look fir it in my blog roll to check her blog).

I was really surprised when I received this tweet.

This is what she wrote about me:

“3. – Nica and I met online way back 2008 (I guess), when Friendster ruled the cyberspace. We have common friends and we came from the same hometown but we never really met each other in person. I learned about her newest blog in twitter. When I saw her blog’s URL, I was like “WordPress?”. Honestly, I just learned of today (Don’t judge me, please). I had 6 blogs before this one – 1 Friendster, 1 Multiply, 3 Blogspot and 1Tumblr blog. Only one survived out of the six, HAHA. Thank you Nica for introducing me to WordPress! Imma try my luck with wordpress now (FYI, I am seriously having a hard with wordpress, tsk).”

And France Dacumos for the double tag on twitter and facebook 🙂

People like you inspire me to do better and to keep going.
Smooches!! :*

February 26, 2011

Embracing Awesomeness!

So I woke up and..

found out that Bianca Gonzales read my blog! and she replied! 😀
I had to read it thrice to actually digest everything HAHA.
So I just stayed at home (like good girls do!) and yes, on a SATURDAY.
But I don’t mind anyway. Today is the day to finally see the outcome of yesterday’s randomness (if you’ve read my previous post you will understand.)

Before I stepped on the shower..

I had to say goodbye to my Bianca G. look haha! 🙂

My post shower look. Mission accomplished? 😉
Thanks to Bench Fix. I really trust you guys!
Also, before I go out to run some errands, I wanna share with you guys what made my day (as if Bianca’s comment was not enough. HAHA)

My Auntie Nancy commended me about my blog.♥ ♥
I love my family! 🙂 and I’m glad I made them proud too. I’m starting to get serious about this whole blogging thing haha.

Okay bye now! Going to the tailor for future surprise 😉

DFTBA! ♥ [Don’t Forget To Be Awesome]

Love lots,

February 22, 2011

We Walk On Air

Viola! After three years of thinking about keeping a REAL blog, here I am doing my first post for my lifetime commitment  😉

I just came home from my second to the last day of duty for this semester (HOORAY!) and for some reason after shower, the first address I typed was My friend Myka, who is a very good writer and a certified blogger inspired me to finally take a notch higher and move here. I started blogging since highschool. Being a feature writer and a bookworm, i just needed a place where my thoughts could rest. But believe me, and should really rest in peace now.

I have Tumblr by the way which is my messy and disorganized blog (but still keeping me awake) and now I’m glad that I won’t be spamming twitter that much because I am welcoming myself back to the non-stop ranting community! 🙂

I live in two worlds. One is a world of books. I am a free bird.
“I’m partly somebody else trying to fit in and say the right things and do the right thing and be in the right place and wear what everybody else is wearing. Sometimes I think we’re all trying to be shadows of each other, trying to buy the same records and everything even if we don’t like them.”
—Go Alice

Being a person, I had come to realize, is a communal activity.
“Dogs know how to be dogs. But people do not know how to be people unless and until they learn from other people.”
—John Green (Zombicorns)

Sugarcoatedscribbles will be about random stuff:

  • my rants, wants and cants
  • songs I listen when words fail
  • books
  • fashion
  • movies
  • food
  • EVERYTHING. Hey, this is a blog right? 😉

So before saying goodmornight, I’m gonna leave you guys with my mom’s constant reminder. This is by James J. Kilpatrick:

Five common traits of good writers:
(1) They have something to say.
(2) They read widely and have done so since childhood.
(3) They possess what Isaac Asimov calls a ‘capacity for clear thought,’ able to go from point to point in an orderly sequence, an A to Z approach.
(4) They’re geniuses at putting their emotions into words.
(5) They possess an insatiable curiosity, constantly asking Why and How.

Tata For Now. I wouldn’t want to miss the LAST day of duty so I’m resting my peepers before the sun creeps out.
